Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Visit from Grandpa Ron D. and Grandma Janet

Grandpa Ron and Grandma Janet came for a visit this past weekend.
They came Friday after work but had to leave Saturday.
Mommy and Grandma Janet made a quick run to Target
while Grandpa Ron babysat Noah for the very first time.Grandpa and Grandma brought Noah's Valentine's gift with them
since they may not see him again before that. We just had to take a pictue.
Isn't this just too cute?!

Happy 1 month Noah!

Where does the time go? Noah is already one month old today.
Happy one month to our precious baby boy.

Here he is just a couple hours after he was born...
And here he is today sleeping peacefully after keeping
Mommy and Daddy up for most of the night.